AfL within remote lessons

Consider the many ways to ‘punctuate’ your online learning with assessment for learning opportunities. This will serve to engage pupils by breaking up the learning, but also facilitate self assessment so that pupils have an awareness of their progress. Here are some suggestions from staff: 1) Provide questions, markschemes and model responses from other pupils …

Get chatty

Use this strategy to get pupils to make a tool to enable them to test one another based on what they have learnt. Get chatty

Find it and fix it!

A great strategy to address identified misconceptions (from an assessment or piece of work) Use the find it and fix it matrix to present pupils with subtle misconceptions that have arisen. Get them to identify the misconceptions and correct the errors as part of intervening to improve understanding. Find it and fix it paper 1

No gap, gap fill

A great way to challenge pupils by providing an exercise to decipher what is missing and where it is missing. It means they really have to focus and think to be certain they understand a topic! No gap gap fill

AfL pit stops

An approach to AfL that focuses on trying to ensure pupils have to think more deeply regarding their responses. Where they have to justify why they have chosen or rejected certain statements. Additionally asked which is correct when there are no correct answers to ensure they can fully explain and justify why. AfL_pitstops


A strategy aimed to help children get better at planning their responses to a question. They use the template to consider all the possible responses to a question before weighing up the relative significance of each point. They then draw an arrow on the gauge to reflect which point they felt was the strongest to …

Quick wins to ACT on feedback

Please read this post for 6 quick wins that can be implemented immediately to ensure feedback has impact on pupils in a time efficient manner! Quickwins

WRAP time

A strategy to afford children the time to respond to feedback and respond at the start of lessons. Also enabling the teacher to provide personalised verbal feedback. Children both respond to feedback and progress with the challenge at their own pace. This ensures a purposeful start to the lesson. WALT and date Respond to marking And Progress …

Whole class feedback

This strategy is based on the principle that giving feedback as a collective is empowering for pupils to receive and respond to immediately. (whilst reducing teacher workload, also a great tool to use as part of home learning!) The teacher takes a selection of books/work from a wide ranging sample and reads through. Using a crib …