Question tokens

Tell the pupils they can only have one of their questions answered, then they have to use other means to find out the answers to their questions. Give them a question token to hand in so you know once they’ve used it up!  

The bumps

Read or study a piece of text. During this process get the pupils actively involved: Ask the class to stand, every time a key term, tense or equivalent is mentioned, the pupils have to sit down. Last to sit down is out…see who the winner will be!  

Most likely to…

Give the pupils a couple of creative scenarios with two options to choose from. Then get them to justify why. For example, “Who is the most likely to win in a fight? Macbeth or King Lear?” most likely to

4 pics 1 word

Select 4 pictures to indicate clues to the pupils as to the jumbled word beneath. Add in extra letters to the word to make it harder to decipher. First pupil to guess is the winner! 4pics1word

Instagram thinking

Get the pupils to draw an image as if they were posting on instagram to sum up what they have learnt. Get them to add a suitable comment underneath to explain their image. Instagram

Tweet a tip

Get the pupils to compose a tweet in less than 20 words to sum up what they have learnt. Include a # to sum up a catchy phrase! Twitter

Topic Tennis

Select a topic and say go. Pupils are in pairs and have to say a related term to that topic and continue until their partner cannot go. You can use the scoring of tennis e.g. 15, deuce or just score one point each time. Topic tennis

Heads together

Give pupils a number 1-4/5. Pose a question and say “heads together” where pupils discuss answer. Select a number 1-5 and that child from each group stands and answers the question on their whiteboards. Heads together!


Great website used to create cryptogram puzzles for pupils to work out the answers to, you can replace letters with numbers and see which child works it out first! CRYPTOGRAM


Use the PowerPoint template to test pupils’ knowledge of concepts they have learnt. Pose a question and then the children complete their bingo grid with 9 possible answers. Reveal your answers to see who wins a full house first! bingo game